Scouting Programs

Anderson Lights of Hope is proud to charter two amazing troops of scouts and one newly formed cub pack. Troop 117 and 280 have called Anderson Lights of Hope home. With many opportunities to learn about camping, woodworking, carpentry, electrical, gardening and much more. In 2022, 2023 we hosted the Fall Camporee for Three Rivers District. 

                         Girl Scout Troop forming in 2024

                                                                       Join our very active CUB SCOUT TROOP - 780

                                                                                                                                         Visit our Troops on Facebook

 3300 North Main Street, Suite D, PMB 101 Anderson, South Carolina 29621 | (864) 314-8600| |

501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization     South Carolina Secretary of State #P14469     Federal Tax ID #56-2650542

© Anderson Lights of Hope 2024